Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Significance of 108

The rosary or the mala which is used to count mantras in the Indian subcontinent has 108 beads. This specific number – 108 - has been a sacred number in the Indian subcontinent for  a  very  long time. This number is explained in many different ways.

The ancient Indians were advanced mathematically and 108 could well have been the result of a precise mathematically calculation which was thought to have a special  numerological significance.
  • 1,0 and 8 : one stands for God or Truth, Zero  stands  for emptiness or  completeness in spiritual  practice and eights stand foe infinity and eternity.
  • 9 multiplied by 12 : Both these numbers are considered  to have  spiritual  significance in many traditions. Nine multiplied by 12 equals 108. Also one plus eight equals nine and nine times 12 equals 108.
  • Astrology : There are 12 constellations and nine arc segments called namshas or chandrakalas, nine multiplied by 12 equals 108. Chandra is Moon and kalas are divisions within a whole.
  • Dance : There are 10 forms of dance  in Indian traditions 
  • Gopis of Krishna : In the Vaishnava tradition , there were  said to be 108 gopis or milkmaids of Krishna. 
  • Islam : In Islam , there are 108 names of Allah.
  • Planets and Houses : In astrology , there are 12 houses and nine planets, nine multiplied by 12 equals 108. 
  • Sikh : Sikhs used a mala of 108  knots that are tied in a string of wool, rather than beads as in other religions. 
  • Smaller divisions : 108 is divided , as in half, third, quarter, or twelfth so that some malas have 54. 36. 27 or nine beads
  • Stages of the soul : scholars believe that the atman goes through 108 stages on the journey after death.
  • Sun and Earth : The diameter of the sun is 108 times that of the Earth. 
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Sunday, 27 December 2015

Reciting a Mantra

The basic prerequisite for mantra jaap is concentration. Purity of mind, feelings and body is required for better mantra practice. For purity and stability of emotions, the worshipper should focus on the place between the eyebrows, that is the area of the Ajna chakra. It is an energy centre in the body. This  chakra helps one obtain and maintain control on the sensory organs and the whole body. Meditate for a few minutes on the ajna, focus on the area between the eyebrows. Control your breathing with breathing exercise or pranaayam. Our lifestyle has become so hectic , that we are unable to “rest” when we try to meditate and pranaayam will help in relaxing us. Praying to God before reciting the mantra also helps in preparing one for the mantra.

One should eat less before starting a japa practice. A full stomach makes one lethargic  and sleepy and it becomes difficult to concentrate.

  • Japa Mala  (rosary) :  In simple terms , a rosary is a tool to count the mantra. The japa mala has 108 beads. There is also an additional bead along with the 108, and this additional, 109th bead is called meru. The bead should not be crossed while reciting the mantra. The thumb and third finger of the right hand are used to count the mantra.
  • Sthana ( place of worship) : If you choose to do mantra jaap  for a particular reason , you must find a suitable place. The same place should be used for japa every day. Sit on a suitable asan for chanting the mantra. 
  • Samay (time): Fix a particular time for the mantra jaap. If you perform the practice at the same time each day, it pleases the deity which in turn produces early results.
  • Sankhya ( count ) : This means the number or count. We have to decide how many times we will repeat the mantra. Some deities require a specific number of mantras. Mantra siddhi can be obtained when we achieve the completion of a specific no of mantra counts. It is generally believed that one should chant the mantra for a minimum of 125,000 times for any deity.
  • Sankalp (determination/oath) : when you start a mantra anushthaan, you should take a sankalp (oath) that you will accomplish a pre-decided number of mantras in a fixed period of time, with the date and time of starting the mantra anushthaan and a date and time of its completion.
  • Disha ( direction ) : some deities are poisoned in certain fixed directions. So one should do the mantra anushthan facing the same direction in which the deity is positioned. In general, the mantra anushthan should be done in the morning , facing the  east. Evening or night mantra anushthan should be done facing the west.

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Monday, 21 December 2015

Good life Success Mantra

The word mantra can be divided into two parts “man” which means “mind” and “tya” as “to free”, which then put together means to clear or remove negative and harmful thoughts from the mind. A mantra or japa is a subtle energy or force that has been “sheathed” in a sound structure. It is the energy body of particular deity. A mantra become potent when concentrated upon and repeated a specific number of times.

It is believed that when a mantra is repeated with full concentration and enthusiastic  devotion, the presiding deity of that mantra is evoked. Mantra are the channels for reaching  the subconscious and remove all blockages from the soul and body. It leads us to a certain wavelength where we can achieve self-realization and experience the presence of God.

A well-fabricated sound form can generate emotions. feelings and expressions. It can take a person to any level of thinking and visualizing. The mind reacts to every kind of sound, whether it is pleasent music or something as jarring as shouting or some loud noise and reacts accordingly.

So, a mantra when created within a good sound structure, generates powerful energies and imbues the worshipper with positive thoughts. If one know the actual meaning of the mantra that has to be chanted, then the results will be accurate and occur within a short span of time. 

In the Agni Purana, Lord Agni says that mantras are a strong and effective way of invoking God and attacining moksha. Agnidev has also classified mantras: those which have more than twenty words are called Malamantra. These mantra usually end with a swaha or Namaha and are best practiced in old age.

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Friday, 18 December 2015

What is Vrat (vow) ?

In one of our scriptures, the Garuda Purana, Lord Brahma explains to Maharishi vedavyasa that observance of the rules postulated by the shastras (scriptures/texts) is called a  vow or vrat or a tapa.

Rules to follow
Lord Brahma further says that the person who undertakes a vrat has to observe a few rules. He :
  • Must bathe thrice a day: in the morning, at midday and in the evening. 
  • Must sleep on the ground and keep a control on the senses
  • Must not speak to women, persons of low caste and those of sinful mentality.
  • Must keep oneself pure and perform havan (sacrificial offerings made to a sacred fire) everyday
Fasting a Vrat
There are many types of vrats and observing an upvaas (fast) is one of these. Keeping a fast is very common in Hindu culture. Apart from the spiritual and religious significance of fasting, it does a lot of good  to the physical body. Apart from the spiritual and religious significance of fasting, it does a lot of good to the physical body and mind : toxins are removed and fasting helps in controlling emotions, passions and the senses and both the mind and heart are purified. Fating completely overhauls the urinary circulatory, digestive and respiratory systems.After observing a complete fast, one's mind is at peace and one can progress in meditation and contemplation.

There are many recommended fasts related to the lunar dates and months or to the transition of the sun from one Zodiacal sign to the next.

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Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Spiritual & Natural Products

Black Haldi/Turmeric

Turmeric is a plant stem. Used as a spice in Indian food, turmeric abounds in medicinal properties. Turmeric is used to apply tilak. Black Turmeric is quite unattractive to behold, but it is very sacred and multi-beneficiary.

Parad (Mercury) Shivalingam 

In the ancient scripture shiva Purana, the shivalingam is said to be an extension of Lord Shiva. The Shivalingams are carved from a variety of materials like stones, precious stones, precious metals etc. Shivalingams  that are made of parad (mercury) or quartz crystal and natural lingams that are available from River Narmada are considered ideal for home or office

Shwetark Ganesha

The aak is a commonly available plant, which bears violet flowers, but a white-flower bearing plant is rarely seen. The stem of the white aak is called shwetark (shwet means white). The shape of the stem of the shwetark is like Ganesha.

Dahinavarti Shankh

This conch was one the 14 divine products that emerged at the churning of the ocean. Lord Vishnu took this as his property and illustrations depict Vishnu holding it in right hand. This shankh should be energized with prayers and offerings in the form of prasad, flowers and mantras, only then will one’s will be answered.

Black Horse Shoe

The horse shoe is full of physical power. When a horse gallops on the road, the shoes get charged with the gravitational energy of the Earth. The shoe should hung at the entrance from the inside in a U-shape. It is believe that black horse shoe will ward of all kinds of black magic

Gomati Chakra 

The Gomati Chakra is found in seas and rivers. It is good aid to spiritual and tantric rituals. Money and prosperity follows the Gomati Chakra

Narmadeshwar  shivalingam

This shivalingam is found in the Narmada river, which is considered to be sacred in India. The shiva Purana says that Lord Shiva blesses the place where Narmadeshwar shivalingam is kept and worshipped. It should be offered water and tilak and bael patra.

Shaligram shila

The shaligram shila is identified with Lord Vishnu. It has many different symbols of Lord Vishnu’s chakra which are carved naturally. Once a lady called Vrinda cursed Lord Vishnu that he’d be turned to a stone and he born as a shila (stone).

Vaijyanti seeds

These seeds are black or brown in colour and grows in the forests of Vrindavan, where god and goddess eternally make love. The Vaijyanti seeds should be  worshipped for Peace, to please Maha Lakshmi, for begetting a male child.

Ekakshi Nariyal

Normally, a coconut has three dots or round markings on its body, which may be looked upon as one mouth and two eyes. But sometimes, coconut  with one mouth and one eye found. These coconuts are called Ekakshi  Nariyal.

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Sunday, 13 December 2015

Vastu tips for Tulsi Plant

The tulsi is regarded as a sacred plant in Hinduism, and is an essential component in many rituals. The word “tulsi” literally means “incomparable” and the plant truly lives up to its meaning because of its medicinal uses. Tulsi is said to be a devotee of Lord Vishnu, who took reincarnation in the form of a plant that would be offered to Lord Vishnu for his Worship.In the Padma Purana, Lord shiva describes the utilities of tulsi to Narada.

The place around a tulsi plant is considered  sacred . A person who is on his deathbed is given tulsi-water to drink in order to cleanse his soul. It has been scientifically proved that the tulsi prevents mosquitoes from coming near it, thereby reducing the incidence of malaria. It has also great medicinal properties and can tackle all types of fevers; the juice of tulsi leaves curses cough and cold.

The Tulsi enhances immunity and metabolic function. It is also helpful in respiratory problems. It can reduce the level of stress in a human being. Its regular use can prevent heart attack. The British used to mock Indians for their faith on the tulsi. But when it was discovered by modern medical science that tulsi has anabolic, muscle relaxant, hypoglycemic, cardiac, anti-allergic properties, people from all over the world started using tulsi in medicine and growing it.

In Hindu mythology, tulsi is regarded as the consort of Lord Vishnu. The Tulsi festival is celebrated each years. On this day, she is occasionally married to Vishnu. This festival is celebrated on the eleventh day of shukla paksha in the month of kaartik. This day is also hailed as the beginning of the marriage season in India. The days following this day are regarded as auspicious for marriage.

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Saturday, 12 December 2015


Rosaries or malas are used by many religions as these help one to concentrate  on their prayers. Hinduism too makes use of these malas, with each of these malas having a unique attribute or association with a particular god/goddess.
  • Conch Mala – Conches are very lucky and auspicious . This mala can be used in Lakshmi sadhna as well as other sadhnas as well. If this mala is offered to Goddess Lakshmi, she blesses the devotee with stability and happiness in his life.
  • Cowrie Mala – These are small shells found in oceans and are considered very lucky. Those seeking a stable financial position should wear a cowrie Mala. It is recommended for the japa of the Maha Lakshmi Mantra.
  • Hakik Mala – This is a black stone, which is powerful in many ways. It is used for protection, courage and success. It attracts good fortunes, increases clarity, promotes good will, helps in overcoming fears, encourages fertility and beneficial for bone narrow and allergies.
  • Kamal Gatta Mala – This mala is made from dried kamal seeds. Since Goddess Lakshmi sits on a lotus, Lakshmi puja and mantra jaap with a lotus-seed mala pleases Goddess Lakkshmi immensely.
  • Putra Jiva Mala – These are seeds of a fruit tree called Putra jeeva. It is believed that the wearer of this mala will be blessed with a son.  One can chant Santaan Gopal mantras on this mala to fulfill their wish.
  • Sandalwood mala – The fragrance of the sandalwood known as chandan in Hindi, is particularly preferred by Hindu deities. The sandalwood is believed to promote meditation 
  • Red sandalwood Mala – The Red Sandalwood Mala is used for pleasing Hindu goddesses. Red sandalwood Mala is blessed by Goddess Lakshmi and it is very useful for improving concentration.
  •  Rudraksha Mala – Rudraksha means ‘’Rudra-aksha’, or the “Eye of Shiva” in Sanskrit. Also known as “Tears of the Lord”, the Rudraksha Mala has been worn by the yogis of India and the Himalayas for thousands of years for living a fearless life on their path to attaining enlightenment.
  • Haldi Mala – The wearer of this mala gets peace of mind and is rid of anxiety, depression and tensions. This mala is used in Baglamukhi Sadhna.
  • Tulsi Mala – Tulsi is the most sacred of all plants in Hindu tradition. The Tulsi Mala cures high fever, diseases of the mind and some stomach ailments.
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Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Basic Chakra

 Swadhisthana Chakra
The Sanskrit  word “Swa” means “ones own” and “Adhisthana” means “Dwelling Place” or “Residence”. The presiding deity for this chakra is Lord Vishnu, and its element is water. This chakra is located at the public centre. This chakra controls Sex organs, Bladder and urethra, Energizes the throat area. Health issues that are assosciated with this chakra are Urinary problems, Menstruation problems, Impotency, sterility, enlarged prostate, other sexual diseases. The sex chakra and Throat Chakra are interlinked i.e the nadis are interconnected with each other.

Navel Chakra
This chakra is located at the navel area. Eight petals are assigned to the Navel Chakra, and those who can see beyond the ordinary have said that the colours assosciated with this chakra are yellow-green, blue and red colours. The Navel chakra controls the small intestine, large intestine, General vitality. Health complications that are assosciated with this chakra are Constipation, Loose bowels, Indigestion, Appendicitis, Intestinal ailments, Low vitality. Those who have a healthy and strong Navel chakra have a very strong sense of institution.

Meng Mein Chakra
The Meng Mein Chakra is located just at the back of the navel. It has eight petals and its colours are orange and red. A pumping station for pranic energy, the Meng Mein chakra controls Kidneys, Adrenal glands, some internal organs, Blood pressure. Any misbalance in this chakra leads to Kidney problems, Low vitality, Weakness, High/low BP, Back problems. If congested and over activated , this chakra can lead to violence and extremities in married life.

Spleen Chakra
The spleen chakra is located at the left bottom of the lower rib, and is made up of six petals. Experts say that the colour of the spleen chakra is white , with all the seven colours within it. It distributes energy and the different colours as per the requirement of the chakra. The spleen chakra controls Physical spleen, General vitality. Quality of blood, Immunity system. An unhealthy spleen will result in low vitality, Blood ailments, Arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis.

Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura Chakra
Manipura chakra is derived from two sanskrit words “Mani” meaning “Jewel” and “Pura” meaning “city”. Therefore, “Manipura” literally means “city of Jewels”. This chakra is located at the hollow area between the ribs . This chakra controls the Diaphragm, Liver, Pancreas, stomach, Lungs. This chakra also causes Difficulty in breathing, Diabetes, Ailments of pancreas, Digestion disorders, Hepatitis, Gall bladder, Heart ailments etc. It is a centre of baser emotions as those listed below, when the chakra becomes blocked and dirty – Ambitions, Courage, Aggressiveness, Hatred, Grudge, Greed, Violence.

Heart Chakra or Anahata Chakra
In the Vedas, the heart centre is also known as “Hridayakasha”, which means “The Space within the Heart where Purity Resides”. The Word “Anahata” means “Unstruck Sound”. The Presiding deity for this chakra is Isha and its elements is Air. The Heart Chakra energizes the heart, and controls the lungs as well.

Throat Chakra or Vishudhi Chakra
Vishudhi chakra is known as the “Purification Centre”. The Sanskrit word “Shuddhi” means “To Purify”, and and in this Chakra , the purifying and harmonizing of all opposites take place. Throat Chakra controls the Throat, Voice box, Trachea, Thyroid, Affects the Quality of sex Chakra. Any problems or blockages oh this chakra lead to Goitre, sore throat, Loss of voice, Asthma

Ajna Chakra
The literal meaning for the word “Ajna” is “Command”. The Ajna is symbolized by Brihaspati, the guru of deities. The presiding deity for this chakra is Param shiva . This chakra is located in the area between the brows. This chakra controls the pituitary glands and thereby the entire body. Hence it is called a Master Chakra. Health issues that are affected by this chakra are those related to the eyes, cancers etc and consciousness.

Forehead Charka
This Chakra has 148 petals in 12 divisions and the colours assosciated with it are blue and violet. The Forehead Chakra controls the Pineal glands, Nervous system and problems related to the nervous system, Migraine pain.

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Sunday, 6 December 2015

Mooladhara Chakra

The Sanskrit word “Moola” means “Root” or “Foundation”. Just as the root gives foundation and stability to the tree, this chakra gives stability to the spiritual & healthy aspect of our self. The presiding deity for this chakra is Ma Shakti, and the element is Earth.

The Basic Chakra is located as the base of the spine. A centre of self-survival, this chakra is associated with red & orange colours. It has four petals, which blooms when this chakra is healthy.

This chakra controls:
  • The muscular system
  • Skelton
  • The whole spine
  • Quality of blood, adrenal glands, and body tissues
  • Skin, pimples, glow
  • Sexual organs
  • Body heat
  • Growth of children
If the Basic Chakra is hyperactive, it will lead to lack of sleep and restlessness. Health issues that are related to this chakra are:
  • Body pains
  • Arthritis
  • Allergies
  • Dull skin
  • Blood-related problems
  • Anaemia
  • Acute Leukaemia
  • Bone cancer
  • Low vitality
  • Slow healing of wounds
  • Breaking of bones
Old people have a depleted Basic  Chakra, Which is why they tend to curve and grow weak. People with low and weak Basic chakra plan out things but are unable to implement them  because they have a weak body and poor confidence.

Steps to improve a low Basic Chakra:
  • You should do an exercise called Half squatting. This exercise will cleanse the Basic Chakra, and will also regulate it.
  • Increased use of the colour red will energize this chakra, wear red-coloured clothes and use objects like bags, pens, key chains etc.
  • Focus, concentration and visualize on the Basic Chakra point in  the body
  • Mantra for the chakra is “Lam”
  • The thumb and the middle finger when joined is good mudra for energizing the chakra.
  • Some good crystals which will be effective are Black Tourmaline , Garnet, Selenite, Carnelion and smoky Quartz. You can either place these crystals on the chakra point for about twenty minutes or massage the chakra point for at least five minutes
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Friday, 4 December 2015

What is Chakra ?

 These are Whirling energy centres and are very important parts of the energy body. Chakras affect us both physically and psychologically. By the former, we mean health conditions, and by the latter we mean mental conditions. If the chakra is congested or depleted , we may be prone to confusion, depression, anxiety and low self-confidence.

It is possible to cleanse the blocked or congested chakras and also enhance them. Some measures have to be taken for this, like reciting their beej mantras. Yes , Chakras too have mantras and these have to be recited a specific number of times, depending on the requirement.

Both Major and Minor Chakras coexist in the physical body, rotating both clockwise and anti-clockwise. Each chakra has a particular shape and colour, neither of which are visible to an ordinary person. Incidentally , there are three types of special or extraordinary powers that some people are blessed with : clairaudient, clairsentient and clairvoyant.

In the former, those blessed with this special gift can hear and understand certain noises/voices that others cannot; in latter, there are people who can see colours or things beyond the ordinary, while clairsentient are those who can understand positive & negative energies.

Relationship with the Physical Body
one's physical body and energy body are so closely related with each other that what affects one affects the other. For instance, if one catches a cold or cough, the energy body of that place get affected as well

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Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Ways to Activate Kundalini

Some ways to activate Kundalini are through meditation, devotion, worship, body purification, will power, discernment, and knowledge. Expert guidance is required in each and every method to awaken Kundalini.

If one can develop a balanced mind in relation to mental and emotional issues, he will be able to control anger, tensions, worries, disappointment, jealousy, bitter memories of the past, sorrows and feelings of love in such a way that these will not distract him, then he is all ready well prepared to awaken the Kundalini.
  • Proper diet control is necessary so that one has a refined body.
  • One should go to a remote place so that there is no distraction and disturbances. 
  • Refining one’s karma is also important .one has to be non-judgemental, non-stealing, and non-aggressive towards materialistic issues of the world.
  • Sexual fasting should be maintained to have a control on the senses. Isolation from all sorts of distraction is very important.

There are different yogic techniques to stimulate the kundalini, but these cannot be taught through books, and neither it is possible to mention these techniques.
Some experiences that may occur when the kundalini has been awakened.

  • Sensation of heat along the spine or at the centre of the forehead or on the top of the head.
  • Hearing celestial sounds like flowing river, waterfalls, melodies of birds, flute etc.
  • Sensing fragrance
  • Seeing some divine images within the mind.
  • Subtle sensory perception
  • Having some abstract memories that may not be experienced in this birth
  • Experiencing greater creativity in any form of art like music, painting ,Poetry, etc.
  • Feeling a higher level of consciousness.

The Best way to learn the art of enhancing the kundalini is to take the help of a guru, who himself has mastered this art over many years and who is skilled in teaching the art of arousing the kundalini.

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