Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Ways to Activate Kundalini

Some ways to activate Kundalini are through meditation, devotion, worship, body purification, will power, discernment, and knowledge. Expert guidance is required in each and every method to awaken Kundalini.

If one can develop a balanced mind in relation to mental and emotional issues, he will be able to control anger, tensions, worries, disappointment, jealousy, bitter memories of the past, sorrows and feelings of love in such a way that these will not distract him, then he is all ready well prepared to awaken the Kundalini.
  • Proper diet control is necessary so that one has a refined body.
  • One should go to a remote place so that there is no distraction and disturbances. 
  • Refining one’s karma is also important .one has to be non-judgemental, non-stealing, and non-aggressive towards materialistic issues of the world.
  • Sexual fasting should be maintained to have a control on the senses. Isolation from all sorts of distraction is very important.

There are different yogic techniques to stimulate the kundalini, but these cannot be taught through books, and neither it is possible to mention these techniques.
Some experiences that may occur when the kundalini has been awakened.

  • Sensation of heat along the spine or at the centre of the forehead or on the top of the head.
  • Hearing celestial sounds like flowing river, waterfalls, melodies of birds, flute etc.
  • Sensing fragrance
  • Seeing some divine images within the mind.
  • Subtle sensory perception
  • Having some abstract memories that may not be experienced in this birth
  • Experiencing greater creativity in any form of art like music, painting ,Poetry, etc.
  • Feeling a higher level of consciousness.

The Best way to learn the art of enhancing the kundalini is to take the help of a guru, who himself has mastered this art over many years and who is skilled in teaching the art of arousing the kundalini.

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